Thursday, April 23, 2009

Who's your savior?

I know this story is somewhat old news... but I'm glad it is still getting talked about.
Last night on ESPN, they had a special called Homecoming with Josh Hamilton. It was awesome to hear his story & I'm so happy that he is sharing it. There is no explanation as to why he became clean, except that, like he said, "It's a God thing." :)

Proof that hope is never lost

Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday, April 13, 2009

I found God at the corner of First & Amistad.

This past weekend was Easter weekend. To me, the most important weekend of my faith. And both services I went to were great. I love how every year at this time, it seems to really hit home for me and many others of how important (and gratifying) it is to keep your faith strong. Obedience to God will result in an awesome life filled with love, joy, fulfillment and peace. :)

P.S. Thank you Jesus! :)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Can you keep your balance?

So how do you get that balance between having a healthy, happy relationship with your significant other AND your friends? That has been my struggle as of lately. Some days are better than others. Sometimes I just don't care. And other times I want to make everything right. But, to be honest, I don't think it is possible to have it all. I wish I could say that there is a way, but no matter what there will be hurt feelings, people feeling left out, not enough time spent together, etc, etc... I blame it on not having enough time in the day. Haha. Obviously, that is not something I can fix, so we can forget that.

I feel that I've kinda been on both sides of this issue.
I've been the single one, while most of my friends around me had a significant other. And yes, I didn't see some of them as much as I was used to before. It is difficult to be understanding about it because you just want to hang out with your friend! I would think "My goodness! Don't you see your boyfriend enough? Can't you spend more time with meeee?" (Doesn't it seem like every issue in life is about what makes "me" feel better? Human beings are so selfish. Me included. It's sad.)

And now here I am, on the other side. Do I see my boyfriend every day? Yup. Do I see my friends a lot less? Yup. And why is that??? I don't quite have the answer. But I think I understand it a lot better now that I am in the relationship I am in now. It's not that I want to lose my friends, or be less of a friend to them. (I mean who wants to get the love of their life & then have no friends to be in the wedding? Haha.) I think some people get lucky & find that person that they want to spend their time with. The person that makes you happy & makes you want to be better for them. And should you get to the point where that thing called marriage comes into the picture... that person is the one you are "stuck" with for the rest of your life. Not your friends. Yes, every relationship is different. Some people don't need to see each other everyday to be happy - but my opinion is that healthy, strong relationships take effort & work, which requires time put in.

Now don't get me wrong... it's not like you shouldn't have that outlet of having friends. Friends are extremelyyyyy important. You shouldn't push them aside or sweep them under a rug. You shouldn't just disappear & not be there for a friend, and expect them to be there for you when you need them. I would hope that my friends would know I will continue to be there for them whenever they need me, even if I am in a relationship. I have friends who I feel are true & genuine and I would never want to lose them. And I think - at least in my case - I know that each of my friends has been in a similar situation as me, where I have lost touch with them at some point in time. So I think some people are more understanding than others. I think it just takes extra effort - with both parties - to keep the friendship strong.

It seems like there is this big shift as soon as a person gets in a relationship. I feel like you get excluded from things. Suddenly all responsibility seems to sit on the person in the relationship to make any plans to hang out, or be the one to pick up the phone to call. I also think that it seems like you can't hang out as a group. I think that is why couples tend to start to hang with other couples. It's almost like there is less pressure. And you can all hang out without anyone feeling 'left out'. I don't think this is how it has to be. It just seems like it is.

I wish all relationships in life could be like a family relationship. It's no pressure, unconditional love & understanding. I find myself hanging around the house more, and I like it. No matter what these are the people going to be there for me through thick & thin. I don't have to feel like I'm the worst person if I don't call them one day, or that it's my sole responsibility to keep the relationship strong.

So what's the solution to it all? I have no idea. I sort of feel like I'm a unique point in my life. In some ways, I feel I am at a much different stage than some of my friends, which causes the distance. But I'm still going to try to work it out.... with everyone. Hopefully, I'll get a little help though because the stress may kill me. :)


It's a big, slushy, snowy mess outside. Ugh. Gross.

And yes, it is April 6th. That's Michigan for ya.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

This is my prayer in the desert. When all that's within me feels dry.

My whole life it seems like everyone else has known what they wanted to do, but me. They know their path in life, they know their talent - their gift to the world. But what is mine? I seriously have no idea. I really don't think I have a talent. Haha.
What is even scarier is that in just over a month, I'm going to be graduated (minus the one course that I must take in the spring). I will have that bachelor's degree! Woo! But.. for what? Haha. Funny, but not at all.
Don't get me wrong. I know there is a plan for me. (Jeremiah 29:11) I have a destiny. I just can't help but feel a little impatient because I haven't been let in on what EXACTLY that is!
Sometimes I see opportunities... but I don't take that leap. Sometimes I feel I missed my chance. But that can't be right... right? I just haven't felt strongly about anything in particular... like this is what I am supposed to be doing. Nope, never felt that way.
Come on... can't I get a little help? Please. :)