Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yesterday, as I endured 15 hours of standing in one spot, repeating the same line 999 times with little food or sleep, I still couldn't help but feel proud of our country. This may all seem a little sappy, but it's the truth. Finally people came out to vote and let their voice be heard... with no complaining about the 2 hour long wait. We exercised our right as citizens of the United States of America to put our two cents in on how we feel our country should be run.

And as I watched Obama's speech, I couldn't help but feel a bit emotional. This history that just occurred is monumental. I think our country is finally coming to a point where people can see that race means nothing except that we may look a little different. I think black America deserves to stand up and be proud of getting where they are at today. If the tables were turned, any white person would feel the same way.

I read an article this morning that said imagine a young child who sees Obama not as a black man, or former Presidents as white men, but just as that. A president. It's definitely a new day in America & I am very proud that I could be a part of that.

Now many people may not be happy about Obama getting elected... you can watch youtube videos that Bob down the street made about how he has ulterior motives, or read about how his church is a 'black power' type of church, but I choose to believe that he means what he says and wants to unite & change this country for the better. Call me naive (I probably am since I got my phone stolen yesterday leaving it out thinking no one would do that with me standing 2 feet away).. but I'd much rather live my life thinking that people are good, than bad. Will Obama follow through with his promises and lead us to better days? We will have to wait and see about that... but at least take the second to appreciate this huge accomplishment our country achieved. :)

But more than anything I do want to say...
God bless America.

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