Sunday, February 1, 2009

25 Things.

Here is another old post (originally wrote on 2/1/09 - posted 1/31/10). I posted this on facebook, but wanted to share on here. It's fun. :)

1. I always push down all the bubble things on my lids.

2. I have a big fear of becoming obese because I know I tend to be lazy & will not be able to lose it.

3. I truly wish I could go to school forever because I love learning.

4. As much as it might not seem like it, I really don't enjoy having a cell phone. If I didn't feel like I needed it with me for safety, I wouldn't have one.

5. I could listen to live worship music everyday.

6. I would love to have someone buy my clothes for me because I know nothing about style. But everything would have to be comfortable.

7. I do not like when people touch my face. I can just feel the germs being transferred. Ew.

8. When I can start seeing my fingernails above my fingers, it's about time to cut them (it messes up my bowling game).

9. I hate everything about mornings - the feeling, the sun rising, the birds chirping, eating when I'm not even awake (and I love eating!). Night time is when I am most alert & happy. :)

10. 409 Marion may have been a dirty, smelly old house, but I loooved living with those 2 boys - even when they accidentally texted me saying I was a bi*ch or let the dishes pile up for weeks ;)

11. I never want to admit it, but I am turning into my dad in that I'm always late for things! It seems I always get caught up in talking to my parents, or doing laundry (haha).

12. I am obsessed with being organized. I love it. But my room always seems to be a mess.

13. I want to get married in April, just like my parents and my grandparents.

14. I'm still not sick of Taylor Swift's "Love Story" - or sick of singing it at the top of my lungs with Ricky in the car. Haha.

15. I still don't feel like I actually graduated college & earned a bachelors degree.

16. I have always wished I went to Notre Dame - because of my grandpa's love for the school & because in 7th grade we got to visit the campus and I thought it was beautiful.

17. I feel like every time I order food I have to say "no tomato, no onion please".

18. I will have a fountain Mountain Dew in my house when I am older. That will guarantee my dad will come visit me ;)

19. My parents took my brother & I on the best family vacations every year when we were younger. We experienced a lot & I didn't truly appreciate that till I got older.

20. I always get teary eyed anytime I hear about a military person serving overseas.

21. I think Super Mario Bros 3 on original Nintendo is the greatest game ever invented.

22. I have never tried a drug or smoked a cigarette in my life and am quite proud of that. But I have puffed on a Black N' Mild back in the day - but didn't inhale! ;) They just smell soo good!! Haha.

23. My mother is my best friend. :) I tell her everything & call her a million times a day.

24. My pretty Saturn Aura is named Jack.

25. I think I have played every sport at one time or another - soccer, baseball (only girl on the team ha), basketball, cheerleading, ice skating, gymnastics, bowling, tennis, volleyball

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