Saturday, February 28, 2009

40 days and 40 nights

Although I grew up in the Catholic Church and have celebrated the concept of Lent my whole life, I still don't have a complete understanding. I guess it's understandable considering not all Christian denominations practice Lent, and each has their own way. It's odd because now that I don't quite follow the "Catholic ways" and have found my faith can be strong in other ways.. Lent makes more sense to me...

The 40 days is symbolic to the days Jesus spent in the tomb. Many say that Lent is a time to prepare for the death & resurrection of Jesus on Easter (which is the most important holiday in the Christian religion). A person may 'prepare' by fasting or prayer. To me, when people choose to give up something during this time (an addiction or negative thing in their life) it is a symbol of their dedication to Jesus and his ways. He suffered for us, so as a believer, I feel like I can "suffer" for Him in a small way.

Soooo I have chose to give up Facebook & MySpace for Lent. Honestly, I feel quite lame to even have to do that. But I've found just in the short time that has passed that I do spend quite some time on there. I do it just because I'm bored, but in reality, there are much more productive things I can do with my time. No one thinks I can do it, but I really don't think it's going to be that hard. I'm quite excited to prove that I'm stronger than everyone thinks. :)

Okay there is one exception - I can go on MySpace on Sundays to check on my brother. He is far away in Denver & I like to stay updated and he posts pics. But I haven't even done that yet.

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